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Join Bitop Bitcoin Margin Trading Competition
To Win Big Cash Prizes!
April 1st, 2024, 09:00 - April 14th, 2024, 09:00 (UTC+8)
With the fourth Bitcoin halving approaching, market demand remains strong, and the Bitcoin bull market is expected to continue. In this exciting moment, Bitop Exchange proudly presents the Bitcoin Margin Trading Competition! This is an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your trading skills and win big prizes!
Activity One: Trading Volume Ranking Competition.
(Prizes Based on Trading Volume Ranking)
1st Place: $100 USDT cash + $500 USDT Bonus
2nd Place: $50 USDT cash + $200 USD Bonus
3rd Place: $30 USDT cash + $100 USD Bonus
*Trading Volume = Margin * Leverage Multiplier
Activity Two: Transaction Fee Ranking Competition.
(Prizes Based on Transaction Fee Ranking)
1st Place: 12% fee for USDT cash
2nd Place: 10% fee for USDT cash
3rd Place: 8% fee for USDT cash
Rules and Terms
1. Competition period: April 1st, 2024, 09:00 - April 14th, 2024, 09:00 (UTC+8).
2. During the competition, Bitop will update the previous day’s competition rankings daily at 18:00 (UTC+8) on the announcement board.
3. The competition product is limited to BTC Margin. Unlimited Transaction Frequency, Amount, and Leverage Multiples.
4. If malicious trading or participation with multiple accounts is detected, Bitop reserves the right to cancel your participation eligibility.
5. Prizes will be distributed within 3-5 working days after the end of the competition. Bonus can be viewed by going to “Fund Statement” - “Bonus”, and cash prizes can be viewed by going to “Fund Statement” - “Spot” - “Internal transfer”.
6. The bonus of this activity can be used to deduct up to 50% of the trading transaction fee for Leverage, Futures and US stock products. Options and Spot are excluded. And the cash of this activity can be withdrawn at any time with no amount limits.
7. Bitop reserves the right to execute, amend, interpret, and terminate this competition event.